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This is a description of a specific error response that you can receive when using the INVERS OneAPI via REST.1

Check out our API Basics to learn more about the basic structure of all error responses and to find out how you should handle them.

    "type": "/problems/validation-error",
    "type_documentation": "",
    "title": "Validation Error",
    "status": 400,
    "detail": "…",
    "flow_id": "5e77e3e3-48ab-4955-8ab3-1c62339096ab"


This problem type occurs if the request is invalid.


  • Use the error response’s type property to handle specific errors and exception handling within your application. It’s comparable to an error code.
  • The detail property contains additional, more human-readable information about the problem or error. This is explanatory text and you should not have any exception handling and error handling code depend on it, as it may change.

Detail examples⚓︎

The following examples are typical texts which you might receive in the error response’s detail property. Note that it is not a complete list of all possible cases. Therefore expect to receive error responses with a detail property value not listed below.

The value for property “vehicle.license_plate” must be a string.

You have specified a value with invalid type.

Possible solutions:

  • Check which type is required, correct the value, and try again
  • Ensure that numeric values are enclosed in quotes when a string type is required
The value for property ‘vehicle.license_plate’ is longer than the allowed maximum length of 30 characters.

You have specified a value whose length is not within the required limits.

Possible solutions:

  • Check if the value’s length is within the required limits. Adjust the length and try again
The property ‘vehicle.plate’ is not allowed.

You have specified a property that is not allowed.

Possible solutions:

  • Check if you have spelled the property correctly
  • Check if you have used the required name of the property
  • Check if you have taken object hierarchies into account. If object hierarchies exits, dot notation has to be used
Sort property not found: deactivated. Allowed properties are: id, oauth_client_id, name.

You have specified an unknown sort parameter.

Possible solutions:

  • Check if you have spelled the property correctly
  • Check if you have used the required name of the property. If not, use an allowed property and try again
The cursor is invalid. Perform a new request without a cursor to get a valid one.

You have specified a cursor in your request, but the cursor is not valid.

Possible solutions:

  • Send a new request without a cursor to get a valid one
  • Check if there are any additional oor unwanted characters besides the cursor as value
  • Check if you have transmitted the complete cursor
Cursor and sort parameter are present. Do not provide any other search-related query parameters when using the cursor.

You have specified a cursor parameter and any of the other query parameters.

Possible solutions:

  • Check if you want to use a cursor to retrieve a paged result list. If so, specify only the cursor. Otherwise, perform a new request using only the query parameters related to searching, filtering, page size, and sorting
The value ‘foo’ is not supported for property ‘brand’.

You have specified an unknown enumeration value for a property.

Possible solutions:

  • Check if you have spelled the enumeration value correctly
  • Check if value is required in lower or upper snake case

  1. The flow_id is specific to each API call, so it will be different in your case. However, type, title and status will match your actual error response if you receive the error described on this page.